Medical Park supported the realization of “New Life” project in order to raise awareness of organ donation and to increase survival rates. In an emotional approach, “The new Life” documentary bearing signature of famous journalist and author Tuluhan Tekelioğlu points out;, the donors left a “mark” in the heart of people who hold on to life due to organ transplantation.
Acting in line with early diagnosis of diseases and regular control visits in order to create a happy, healthy and fertile future, Liv Hospital appended signature on the social responsibility project titled “We are Healthy Mothers and Children” for mothers and children. 1.500 women participated in the project, while 250 children received pediatric health and early childhood development examination.
The social responsibility project titled “Heart to the Heart” initiated by Liv Hospital to increase awareness on cardiovascular diseases screened 1.400 people in 4 months. This screening project is based on a questionnaire form addressing risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, risk scoring, electrocardiography, fasting blood glucose and cholesterol panel as well as imaging of vascular atherosclerosis and coronary calcium scoring that determines the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Liv hospital launched a social project titled “I know” screening cancer in 4.000 people. Outstanding data is generated by the project that screened breast, lung, colon, cervical and prostate cancer in people aged between 40 to 65 years in longer than 4 months. The project titled “I will take measures against cancer for me, for my loved ones and for the future. Because life is good” addressed the importance of early diagnosis in therapeutic processes of the cancer; thegrim reality of today.
Medical Park, possessing the first privately owned oncology hospital of Turkey, initiated the project titled “We can achieve together with Psycho-oncology Association” by emphasizing the importance of psychology in fighting against the cancer based on the knowledge in this field. Medical Park integrated the free-of-charge psychological support to the patients in the process of the commonly fought against by patients, family members, physicians and healthcare professionals.